
How to Apply – old

In order to be considered for the EHLS Program, you must complete an online application form, provide required supporting documents, and complete an Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) in English.

The Components of an Application

The Application Process: 4 Steps

Applying to the EHLS Program is a four-step process. To ensure that you submit a complete EHLS application, please review the steps carefully.

Prepare to Apply

Step 1: Start Application

Step 2: Submit Application

Step 3: Complete an OPI in English

Step 4: Take Skills Tests

Final Notification

Admissions Timeline for 2022-2023

February –
July 7, 2022:
 Applicants complete the following:
  • Prepare supporting documents
  • Submit an online application
  • Complete an OPI in English
  • Attend an EHLS webinar (optional)
5 pm EDT on
July 7, 2022:
Last day to submit an EHLS application (Step 2)

July 22, 2022:Last day to complete an OPI in English (Step 3)

September 2022:Provisionally selected candidates notified to proceed with skills testing

Late September/ Early October 2022:Provisionally selected candidates come for one skills testing date in Washington, DC (Step 4):
  • Sat., September 24, 2022
  • Sat., October 1, 2022
Late October/ Early November 2022:Successful candidates notified of scholarship award and admission to EHLS (Final Notification)

January 10, 2023:First day of 2023 EHLS Program

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